We, the women, have the power to eradicate machismo

Angelica Fuentes


If we women have the power to perpetuate machismo, we also have the power to eradicate it, which I state in my book: “Dos Millones de Huevos” [Two million eggs]

When talking about gender equity, one can say that there has been important progress in this regard, as well as advances in the rights of minorities, but our society continues to drag certain archaic stereotypes that hinder the construction towards a social balance.

Recently, the Minister of Education, in his appearance before the Chamber of Deputies, referred to the responsibility of mothers who care for their children, during this pandemic.

Why mention mothers only? Isn’t parenting a shared responsibility? I have always thought that the only responsibility of a woman is that which occurs during pregnancy. The rest of the parenting is and should be shared. Women should not be left alone in the responsibility of parenting, but unfortunately that’s the reality in most families.

The National Survey on the Use of Time, recently released by INEGI and Inmujeres, reveals extremely relevant information on existing gender gaps. One of the most striking data is this: women devote 31% of their time to paid work and 67% to unpaid work at home. When we review this situation in men, we see that they dedicate 69% to market work and 28% to unpaid work at home.

It is urgent that we achieve a gender balance in many aspects, starting with the discourse that is displayed in society. We cannot expect a more equitable country, while we continue to take actions that go against equity.

The pandemic has hit many aspects of our lives, countries will never be the same, employment will never be the same. Once there is a cure and a vaccine, when we can remove the mask and hug each other again, the world will have undergone changes of great significance. It is very important that we become aware of the existing imbalances between genders, because societies cannot move forward as long as we continue to maintain actions and policies where traditional models are still present.

There are many women in the world who are building greatly relevant stories of success. Although there are also millions who have not been able to spread their wings, due to a social order that refuses to disappear. We need to make that change. It is well documented that when women are empowered, a series of very positive effects are unleashed in society: economic growth, poverty reduction, more security, positive impact on climate change and strengthening of democracy. Female contribution is of utmost importance: we are key to progress and sustainable development. We must unite our talents and move forward together on this path. The pandemic is a good time for us to change history, so in future surveys there will be more balanced figures and percentages. If we narrow the gender employment gap, our economy will benefit. We women are ready to stand up and we are doing it. The time has come for us to be the ones who make the change, we need to get out of the boxes that limit us. I am sure that by doing so, we will show the world what we are really capable of.



Angelica Fuentes

#madre, #empresaria y #defensora de los #derechos de la #mujer. Be more, to do more: for #life, #business, and #equality.